Rochelle Valle

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Currently SeneGence is offering 2 programs to jump start your business. These programs are to enhance the opportunity for a new Distributor to get their SeneGence business off to a great start.


Take Advantage of Fast Start!

Now (more than ever), it pays to be a SeneGence Distributor… We are happy to announce our incredible Fast Start rewards program is available for our brand-new Distributors! 

This program helps new Distributors get over a thousand dollars' worth of free products to use for display, testers, or for personal consumption within their first 90 days.

  • Here’s how it works:
    Within your first 30 days or sooner from initiating your SeneGence business, place at least 1000 PV or more (cumulative) to reward yourself with SeneDerm Basic SkinCare & BodyCare products (valued at over $350 USD). Choose your own basic skin care formula based on your skin type, including Normal to Dry, Normal to Oily, Dry, or Oily to Acne (US only) SkinCare.
  • Within your first 60 days or sooner, place another 1000 PV to make your cumulative total of at least 2000 PV or more total to receive a selection of SeneDerm Anti-Aging Products (valued at over $400 USD).
  • Within your first 90 days or sooner, place another 1000 PV to make your cumulative total of at least 3000 PV or more total to achieve the highest reward tier, which includes SeneDerm Solutions products (valued at over $450 USD).

Please Note: Total set values will be as advertised. Any out-of-stock items included in each set will be substituted with the equal retail dollar in $eneBucks credit to the qualifying Distributor’s account.

For our new Distributors – take advantage of this great program, and be well on your way toward acquiring amazing SeneGence SkinCare products!


Enjoy Extra Savings for 30 Days

You can enjoy a 50% discount on all personal 300 PV
product orders for an entire month!

Here's how:

All new Distributors:

  • You are eligible to receive 50% discount on all personal product orders* of 300 PV
    ($600 USD Retail) or more, for 30 days, starting on the day you join SeneGence®.

  • New Distributor promotion qualification is based on a rolling 30 day period starting on your sign-up date. 

* Applies to single orders over 300 PV only, with no limit on how many orders may be placed during the promotion period. Standard shipping applies to all orders. Sales aids with no PV assigned do not count toward 300 PV requirement.