Rochelle Valle

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When I was young I didn't have the money to purchase premium skin care.  It was pretty much whatever soap was in the shower is what I used to clean my face.  I've never really had breakouts but I did go through a phase with my makeup with dark lip liner and high bangs.  I laugh now.  I wanted to share with you really quick that you can have good skin with the right products and you don't have to spend a fortune to get it.  SeneDerm skin care has changed my skin for the better!  And were talking for less than a dollar a day!!!!  If you haven't started a skin care regimen it's not too late.  It's better to start now than never.  

In addition to sticking to your SeneDerm SkinCare regimen, here are a few great tips to help you have the healthiest, most radiant complexion possible.

1. Feed your body well- The condition of your skin can give everything away, including your health, your emotions, and your habits. Nourish yourself with the vitamins and nutrients needed for a healthy body. Greens like spinach and arugula are packed with natural antioxidants, while fresh fruits, fish, and olive oil can give you healthy omega fatty acids, helping your skin to maintain a healthy glow.

2. Pay attention to bacteria- chatting away on your cell or office phone can lead to breakouts and rashes along your cheek and jaw. Keep antibacterial wipes handy to swipe your phone clean. You can also incorporate MakeSense Color Correcting Tinted Moisturizer into your beauty routine; it includes antioxidants like Arnica Flower, which helps to eliminate free radicals and germs.

3. Get plenty of sleep- not getting enough rest can cause stress, which could lead to a dull complexion or breakouts. Don’t deprive your body of sleep- it uses that time to regenerate and recover from your day. Don’t forget to brush on your Collagen Night Pak to lock in moisture and help protect skin from wrinkles caused by your pillow.

4. Stay out of the sun- not only does sun exposure cause skin damage which leads to signs of aging, squinting in the sun can also contribute to fine lines around the eyes. Stay out of the sun as much as possible, use SeneDerm DayTime Moisturizer and MakeSense Foundation for a mechanical sun shield, and SeneSun SPF SunScreen for all-over protection. Don’t forget to wear sunglasses to protect eyes, too.

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5. Pamper yourself- whether it’s a facial, massage, or simply a couple minutes every night to destress and relax, make sure to take time to pamper yourself. Your health and complexion are positively influenced by increasing your emotional well-being. Try drawing a warm bath using SeneDerm Body Wash as the bubble bath. After your relaxing bath, apply SeneDerm Detoxifying & Moisturizing Mask for a spa-like experience.

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